Author Archives: Trevor Cooley

Blood Trail Paperback Release and Audiobook News

Great news, folks! Tallow Jones: Blood Trail is now available in paperback. In addition, the Blood Trail audiobook is very close to being completed. We hope to finalize the book in a few days and then it will take … Continue reading

Posted in Audiobooks, Tallow Jones, The Bowl of Souls, Writing | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Sir Edge is underway!

That’s right, folks, I am writing Sir Edge NOW! Today I sent the first chapter to my Patreon Alpha Readers and I am half way through with chapter two. They will be reading each chapter as I finish it and … Continue reading

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Tallow Jones: Blood Trail is LIVE on Amazon Now!!

Yes, folks! It’s true. The book is finally here. Get your copy of Tallow Jones: Blood Trail today!!   Here is the Amazon description: A master wizard takes on the bloodiest murder spree in Atlanta history! On the brink of … Continue reading

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Tallow Jones 2 Release Imminent!

We are just days away from the big sequel to Tallow Jones: Wizard Detective. That’s right. Days. As in a couple days. As in Tuesday or Wednesday September 18th or 19th. This book follows the adventures of Master Tallow, Wizard … Continue reading

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Moonrat Saga Villain Tournament Part 2

Edit: Game 5 and the game 6 preview have been added. 9/13 Howdy Folks and welcome to Round One of the Moonrat Saga Villain Tournament! We had an exciting play in round to set up the action and the bracket is now … Continue reading

Posted in The Bowl of Souls, Writing | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Moonrat Saga Villain Tournament Bracket

Updated 8/20! Howdy folks! So, as I’ve been gearing up for The Dark Prophet Saga I’ve been thinking of some fun ways to interact with you guys. I tried the new poll question function on Facebook and it was fairly successful … Continue reading

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Tallow Jones: Blood Trail Update and In-depth Look at the Artwork by Ethan Nicolle

Howdy Folks! It’s time for some cool updates. August is going to be a big month around here at Cooley Ranch. First of all, a new chapters of Tallow 2 will be going out to alpha readers (That’s anyone at … Continue reading

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Tallow Jones Book 2 Cover Reveal and Updates!

Howdy folks! I know it’s been a bit quiet around these parts. Tumbleweeds were blowing the last two months, but a lot has been happening behind the scenes. I’ve been working on a few side projects as well as writing … Continue reading

Posted in Tallow Jones, The Bowl of Souls, Writing | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

New Bowl of Souls Ad

Howdy, Folks! I have been putting those Patreon funds to use. Here is my new short ad for the Bowl of Souls series. It is running on youtube and Facebook. If you see this ad in the wild please like … Continue reading

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Tallow Jones 2 Title Announcement!

Howdy, folks! I know it has seemed a bit quiet around here of late. There hasn’t been a lot of real news to tell you. I have been working hard at the sequel to Tallow Jones as well as some … Continue reading

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