Tag Archives: Blood Trail

Blood Trail Audiobook and Huge Sir Edge News!

Howdy, folks! I have two big announcements. The first onet up is audiobook related. The “Tallow Jones: Blood Trail” audiobook has been completed and I submitted it for processing by Audible and Itunes last week. It should be available for … Continue reading

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Blood Trail Paperback Release and Audiobook News

Great news, folks! Tallow Jones: Blood Trail is now available in paperback. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1731036205 In addition, the Blood Trail audiobook is very close to being completed. We hope to finalize the book in a few days and then it will take … Continue reading

Posted in Audiobooks, Tallow Jones, The Bowl of Souls, Writing | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Tallow Jones Book 2 Cover Reveal and Updates!

Howdy folks! I know it’s been a bit quiet around these parts. Tumbleweeds were blowing the last two months, but a lot has been happening behind the scenes. I’ve been working on a few side projects as well as writing … Continue reading

Posted in Tallow Jones, The Bowl of Souls, Writing | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments