Tallow Jones 2 Title Announcement!

Howdy, folks!

I know it has seemed a bit quiet around here of late. There hasn’t been a lot of real news to tell you. I have been working hard at the sequel to Tallow Jones as well as some editing side projects and setting up the next Bowl of Souls Saga. LOTS of work still to do there. I am, however, ready to announce the title of the Tallow Jones sequel.

The title of the upcoming book will be: “Tallow Jones: Blood Trail

In this book our resident named wizard/detective will have to deal with the bloodiest murder spree in Atlanta history. The story line will be both unsettling and fun and will reveal details previously untold about blood magic and its interactions between species.

Tonight I am sending out a new chapter of Blood Trail to my alpha readers. I am aiming for a late April release so new chapters will be flying fast!

If you want to become an alpha reader and experience this new storyline before anyone else all you have to do is become Squirrel level or higher. Remember you can increase or decrease your Patronage level at any time if you change your mind.


In the weeks between now and the release date you can expect more announcements including a cover reveal. I have a deal with an artist that I am really excited about.

So stay tuned. More to come!


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