Audiobook Alert! Tallow Jones: Wizard Detective is Now Available

It’s finally here!

Tallow Audiobook

Andrew Tell’s work on this book is a beautiful thing. The finished audio is 12 Hrs and 5 Mins.

I’m really proud of this book. If you haven’t tried it yet, please do. I think it’s one of my best books yet.

Here is a recent review from the creator of Axe Cop and Bearmageddon, Ethan Nicole.

This book was really fun. What I found most impressive about it was that it deals with some dark subject matter (a lost, possibly dead child) but manages to feel fairly upbeat and fun. More like an adventure than a cold, hard crime story. Tallow is a fascinating character and I loved the crossing of genres: hard boiled detective meets monster-fighting wizard. And there are some really fun monsters in this story.

I’d recommend this to anyone 10 and up. It’s content is YA friendly but the whole thing is compelling for readers of all ages.

Also, I have to say I was going to have a larger criticism until about 80% of the way into the book there was a big twist I didn’t see coming that totally kicked that cristicism aside and made sense of the things I took issue with. I consider that impressive writing.

Trevor Cooley is a firehose of imagination. I loved that this story was self-contained and didn’t end on a cliffhanger, but I’m excited to see where he takes this in future stories. I think this book just scratches the surface of potential for the crime-fantasy genre.

Thanks for your support!


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