Sir Edge is underway!

That’s right, folks,

I am writing Sir Edge NOW!
Today I sent the first chapter to my Patreon Alpha Readers and I am half way through with chapter two. They will be reading each chapter as I finish it and give me feedback along the way until this book is ready to be published. If you are interested in being a part of the creation of this book, you can join my Patreon at the link below.

EDIT 10/7 I just uploaded chapter 6 to Alpha readers. Still writing away!

I currently have slots open for more Alpha Readers. You can also have a character named after you or for you, create a monster for use in the new Saga or even create your own town in the Known Lands.

Another reason you may want to join my Patreon is simply because you like what I write and want to support me. Writing full time is more difficult financially than it was when I put out the Moonrat Saga. Amazon has changed and it’s harder to get the word out or generate new sales. So please, give it a chance and be a part of this new Saga.

Like I say at the end of each book, The Bowl of Souls needs your help.

P.S. For those curious, I will be continuing the Moonrat Saga Villains Bracket. It’s time for the semi finals after all. It’s just that with the timing of the release of Tallow Jones 2 and starting up the second book, my time has been limited. I will post the next game soon!


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