New cover for EYE of the MOONRAT

Check out the new cover for The Bowl of Souls: Book One Eye of the Moonrat!


The new art is designed by Renu Sharma. You can check out her site at

She did a fantastic job and in celebration, I am adding a few items to our January contest!

For every entry, I am also including a desktop background featuring the beautiful cover art Renu made for book one. If you have already entered, you should have this background in your messages already. Let me know if you did not get it.

Also there will be an alternate grand prize that will include a copy of the first book signed with the new cover and a signed deck of universal cards! I am ordering some of the new books today.

So get in your entries! Spread the word in new and different ways. We have nine days left in the month! See the entry rules on our last post here

Also the cover has been updated for the print edition as well and the price has been reduced to 11.99

EOTM-paberback cover small

In fact, I have reduced the prices on all the print edition books, so go to Amazon and get you one!

There is more news to be had as well. We are looking to upgrade this site and hope to have a store and forum added sometime soon.  Subscribe for updates to the world of the Bowl of Souls. Any news on the release of Book Four: The War of Stardeon will be announced here. Thanks,

Trevor H. Cooley

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