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One of the biggest issues for self published authors is getting the word out about the books. We don’t have an advertising department, we have friends and family and readers. So we came up with a contest to reward readers for raising awareness about the books.

Here is the way the contest works: Simply spread the word about the Bowl of Souls. Everyone who enters will receive a digital goody package and get entered into a prize drawing to be held at the end of January.

How to enter: Tell people about the Bowl of Souls series somewhere online or in public. This can be in the form of a review on Amazon or a comment on a forum, blog, Twitter, fan site, Facebook, whatever. Be creative, any way you help spread the word will be accepted as an entry. (Remember, Eye of the Moonrat is currently only .99.) I will keep this post stickied to the top of the blog page all month long. Once you have spread the word, either post what you did in the comment section of this post, or post your efforts to the Bowl of Souls series timeline on the Facebook Page.  Each mention you make on a different site counts as another entry. There are no limits to how many times you can enter. At the end of the month, I will put all the entries into a hat and draw a first and second prize winner.

Did I mention there would be prizes?

Prize for entering: Everyone that enters gets the free digital goodie package which includes a free preview chapter of The Bowl of Souls, book four: The War of Stardeon. This is different than the chapter included with Hilt’s Pride. You will also receive a high resolution desktop background of the Bowl of Souls series covers.

First Prize: A signed first edition copy of Eye of the Moonrat with the original alternate lettering scheme. There were only fifteen of these printed before the lettering was changed so they are very rare. I will personalize it if you wish. Also included will be a signed deck of Universal Cards with instructions on playing the Game of Elements or Unity.

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Second Prize: A signed first edition copy of Eye of the Moonrat with the original alternate lettering scheme.

If we get a lot of entries, I may add more prizes as the month goes on.

Prize drawing January 30th! Thank you to everyone that enters and Good Luck!

Trevor H. Cooley

P.S. to collect your winnings send an email to deathclaw at and I will reply with your digital goodie package. If you win one of the main prizes I will get your address and mail it out to you.

UPDATE 1/14/13

I am adding TWO MORE PRIZES to the Contest!

Each one is a signed Universal Deck.  These will awarded with the rest on January 30th at the prize drawing. Don’t forget to get your entries in. Add as many as you want to better your chances!

I may add more as the month goes on, so please continue to check the page for updates!


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Just tell me what you dag-gum think!