Sir Edge is Here! RELEASE DAY!

Sir Edge is live on Kindle!!



This book has been a long time coming and I want to thank all of you for your patience. Here is the rear cover blurb!

The Dark Prophet has been biding his time. He has spent centuries without a body, but now he is ready for his return. There is only one obstacle standing in his way.

In the sixteen years since their marriage, Justan and Jhonate have gone through many adventures together. During this time, Justan has grown into the name given to him by the Bowl of Souls. He is SIR EDGE. He has the fame and glory that he had dreamt of as a child, but those things mean nothing to him anymore. He is now embroiled in a new conflict and driven by a deep pain within him, a pain fifteen years in the making . . .

Join Edge and his bonded on an epic journey that will take them to places both holy and wrought with evil. Ogres and dragons, warriors and wizards are destined to clash, their fates guided by The Bowl of Souls. 


Sir Edge is the 12th book in the Bowl of Souls Series, the 13th if you count Hilt’s Pride

It takes place 16 years after the events of Behemoth, which has given time for Justan to grow into his own and become Sir Edge. It also gives time for certain children to be old enough to have some impact in the series.

The cover is once again designed by the lovely and talented Renu Sharma! The weapons that she recreated on the cover came from sketches in my old notebooks.

The book is 115,000 words long, 28 chapters, and I started something different with this saga. Each chapter has a subtitle that consists of the name of the character whose perspective the chapter is written from and a one or two word description. IE, Chapter One is Sir Edge – Memories.

I had so much fun with chapter subtitles in the Noose Jumpers and Tallow Jones series that I wanted to bring them in to the Bowl of Souls.

Narration for the Audiobook will begin at the end of December with a likely February release. For those of you that do audio exclusively, I am excited to tell you that Tallow Jones: Blood Trail is on Audible now! I’m really proud of it. My new narrator, TJ Clark did an amazing job. Hopefully, it can help tide you over.

Thank you all! And a very special thanks to my Patrons on Patreon. The alpha readers were a fantastic help as they read each chapter along the way.

One last thing . . . I start writing on the Dark Prophet Saga: Book Two next week. The title will be “Halfbreeds”

Trevor H. Cooley


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3 Responses to Sir Edge is Here! RELEASE DAY!

Just tell me what you dag-gum think!