Now Available Elsewhere! and War of Stardeon Update!!

Hey folks, some exciting news for many who don’t have Kindles.

Eye of the Moonrat and Messenger of the Dark Prophet are now available on Nook and Smashwords!

Being an independent author is a constant learning experience. Amazon has most of the market share in Ebooks and their exclusive deals have perks. I put book one on Nook for a three week period back in November and sales were fairly slow so I switched back to Amazon only.

Now I’m doing it again.

The other books are coming soon. Book three will no longer be exclusive to Amazon as of March 6 and Hilt’s Pride March 16. all four books will also be available on Sony, Kobo, and Itunes some time within two weeks after they appear on Smashwords. Those sites have a longer processing time.

I have not decided whether to start book four off as exclusive or not. It is a three month contract and Amazon pushes those pretty hard so I may just do it for the first three months if traction on the other books is slow on the other sites.

If you know anyone who hasn’t read the books yet, these are new avenues for them to purchase them. Please share the word!

The WAR of STARDEON Update!

I have been typing my fingers off over the last few weeks and if I am able to make my goal, Book Four will be available in April. I will update the status as I go. I am working on the finale right now and I can tell you guys this is something big .


I hope to have the cover ready to show you some time mid-march.

I am working with someone of putting together a map for the series and we hope to have it finished by April. I hope to have book four come with the map included and I plan to add it to the files on the other books as well as post it here on the site. I have had a lot of requests for a map since the first book came out and this is my first opportunity to get one done.

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2 Responses to Now Available Elsewhere! and War of Stardeon Update!!

Just tell me what you dag-gum think!