The War of Stardeon is coming . . .

I know that many of you are dying to find out when Book Four will be out.

I am writing it as fast as I can, I swears. The plan is to have a cover ready next month. In the meantime, the prologue is available at the end of  Hilt’s Pride which is available here for only .99!

My goal is to have the book edited and out by May 13th which is one year from the day I put Eye of the Moonrat out on Amazon. If I can get it out any sooner, you will hear about  it here first.

As a special offer: If you have read all three books and Hilt’s Pride and have left at least one review on Amazon or Goodreads, let me know  in the comments below and I will email you a copy of chapter one, which was previously only available to the people who participated in the contest in January.

Here are some things to look forward to in book four: Slight Spoilers ahead

Learning the secrets to Justan’s swords.

A Charz / Talon fight

The creation of the rogue horses and the Rings of Stardeon  are revealed.

Justan reuniting with Jhonate and Vannya.

And of course, an epic battle to decide the fate of the Battle Academy.

Keep checking back for updates!

Trevor H. Cooley

By the way, who do you think wins a Charz / Talon fight?

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15 Responses to The War of Stardeon is coming . . .

Just tell me what you dag-gum think!