Noose Jumpers Teaser Trailer

Howdy folks!

You may have heard me mention that my next novel is going to be a departure from The Bowl of Souls series. It is a Fantasy Western titled, “Noose Jumpers”, and I plan for it to be the first in a series of books set in that universe.

I will give more information about the project at a later date, but for now I have something exciting to share. My brother is a film maker and I wrote a short film based on the Noose Jumpers concept for him. The short was filmed at the end of June and has been going through post production for some time. Everything is finished except for the sound design. We are looking at ways to raise the last bit of money for that part, but in the meantime my brother put together a teaser trailer for the project.


Here is a note from my brother:

We are currently in post production and will need help funding Post Sound Design to insure it lives up to the wonderful cinematography of Devin Keebler and the beautiful location of Bonanza Creek Ranch. Not to mention, the amazing performance from our veteran actors, J LaRose and Robert Catrini, and talented new comers, Andy Gion and Byron West.

Please watch the official Noose Jumpers Facebook page for more details on how you can help see this film through and get a film credit in the process!

I will keep you posted with more info as it becomes available.

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2 Responses to Noose Jumpers Teaser Trailer

Just tell me what you dag-gum think!