Early November Update. Bowl of Souls and Noose Jumpers News.

Hey, folks! I want to thank all of you for the support with the Bowl of Souls series. It means a lot to me that so many of you write reviews on Amazon and tell your friends.

Recently there has been a bit of confusion that I want to clear up. Some people have gotten the impression that The Troll King was the last book in the series. Let me assure you that is not the case. I promise I would never leave my readers with such a cliffhanger.

There will be two more books in the Jharro Grove Saga and after that I have ideas for at least two more sagas. The Bowl of Souls series has been a part of me since I was a teenager and I have a feeling that as long as I’m alive and writing there will never truly be a last Bowl of Souls novel.

That being said, the next book I’m writing is not part of the Bowl of Souls world. “Noose Jumpers” is a fantasy western series that I am starting with the first book coming out late December. The characters and the world of Noose Jumpers is something I am really excited to share with all of you. I don’t want to give away too much of the story just yet, but keep an eye out for teasers leading up to the release date. If you like the Bowl of Souls books or westerns or fantasy in general I think you will really like it.

The next book after the first Noose Jumpers novel will be the fifth book of the Jharro Grove Saga and the tenth Bowl of Souls book overall. I plan to release it some time in the Spring.

In addition, Andrew Tell and I are working to get the audiobooks caught up. He is promising me rapid fire releases of the rest of the Bowl of Souls books, starting with Mother of the Moonrat at the beginning of December.

I hope this has cleared things up. Please keep an eye out here and on my Facebook page for future updates. Great things are coming!

Trevor H. Cooley

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6 Responses to Early November Update. Bowl of Souls and Noose Jumpers News.

Just tell me what you dag-gum think!