Noose Jumpers in Print and Other News

Howdy, folks! I have some updates to pass along.

First of all, Noose Jumpers is now available in Trade Paperback! Like the Bowl of Souls books, it is a 6×9 format with a glossy cover. It looks fantastic. Here’s the wrap around image. Click to zoom in. I love the noose on the spine with the series number in it.

Final Draft 1


Here are some links to the different versions of the book:



Also, for those of you who haven’t seen it yet, I thought I would once again include the Short Film that I wrote that inspired this whole endeavor. I talk about it in the author’s note at the end of the book. I wrote this short film as a teaser for a television show concept. Then I wrote the pilot episode. This happened in the months between the release of The Ogre Apprentice and The Troll King. My younger brother Jared and I hashed out the idea and I liked it so much, that I decided I really wanted to make a series out of it. I had already been thinking that I needed to start a new series that I could write between Bowl of Souls books and this was something that had so much potential I had to see it through.

So here, the link to the short film is below. It is an early version of the Noose Jumpers world, so you will notice some distinct differences. One glaring one is that Sandy Tucker and Pecos don’t face off against the Stranger and his prospect in the novel. (Also the Stranger is a bit different here than he is in the book.) The film was done on a tiny budget over a single weekend in New Mexico, but I have to say I was quite impressed with the result. Jared was able to put together an excellent cast and crew, many of whom we would like to be a part of the television show if we can ever garner enough interest to get it made. I actually think that the actor who played the Stranger, J La Rose, would be perfect for the role of the Coyote.



Now, it’s been a week since I completed the book. Early numbers are a bit slow. I figure that many of you are more interested in the next Bowl of Souls book and I understand that. I have certain authors who I like that have one series I prefer above others. (Like R.A. Salvatore and his Drizzt books.) But I hope you’ll give it a try. That way my family can eat while I write the next Bowl of Souls novel. In the future I plan to alternate bewteen the two series, but first I want to complete the Jharro Grove Saga.

Speaking of the next book in the Jharro Grove Saga, I have started writing it. Usually I take a month off between books, but this time I’m heading straight into it. I’ll try to keep you folks updated along the way more than I have in the past. I’m still not sure of the title, but that will come as I go.

I have spent some of the last few days listening to the chapters of the Troll King audiobook that Andrew Tell has finished so far. I thought you might be interested in how the process works. Basically, I send the manuscript to Andrew and he reads through the whole thing. Then he narrates the book in his home recording studio and sends the narration to me chapter-by-chapter. I listen to them and send him notes on character voices or any errors. It always impresses me how he manages to give all these characters their own unique voices. He’s a consummate professional and keeps recording references of each one so that he can remember how he did them. Once he has completed the narration and I have listened through, he does a final edit sweep and once I approve it, we send it off to ACX, who distributes it to Audible, Amazon, and Itunes.

We hope to have the narration of the Troll King finished in the next couple of weeks so that it will be available for purchase by mid August. Then Andrew will start on the narration for Noose Jumpers.

Thank you for your time and support. And please, if you haven’t had the chance yet, please give Noose Jumpers a try.


Trevor H. Cooley


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5 Responses to Noose Jumpers in Print and Other News

Just tell me what you dag-gum think!