Jharro Grove Finale Title Reveal!

Well folks, this has been some time coming. Usually, I have the titles to the books in my sagas planned out long before I start writing them. This one has been a bit different because the title ideas didn’t quite fit.

Originally, I had thought to call it, “The Gnome Warlord.” But as much as I like that title,  Aloysius (Though having a large role) isn’t the main antagonist or protagonist in this book. I had thought about calling it “The Troll Mother” but that idea was vetoed by my wife, who understandably thought it could be confusing to readers since we already had a book called “The Troll King”.

It’s funny, but there have been a few times when I have announced a book title long ahead of time and then regretted it. The original title of Messenger of the Dark Prophet was, “The Edge of Might and Magic” (Because of the Prophet’s words to Justan in the Mage School Gardens). I had to change it because it could be confused with the Might and Magic series of games. I also kind of wish I had switched the titles of books four and five in the first saga. I liked the way Mother of the Moonrat made for a nice bookend with Eye of the Moonrat, but War of Stardeon was a much better name for that last book of the saga.

In the same way, I think that I could have called book four in the Jharro Grove, “The Gnome Warlord” and called this final book, “The Troll King” and it would have fit quite well. Oh well, that is all in the past now.

The title for the Sixth book in the Jharro Grove Saga and Book Eleven in the Bowl of Souls Series overall is BEHEMOTH.

I like it. It is short, sweet, and very much describes the foe our heroes face in this last installment of the Jharro Grove Saga. The next thing I need to do (besides finish the book)  is get with Renu Sharma to start working on the cover.

I will also start posting mini previews on Facebook in the next week. Mini previews are short excerpts from the book, usually only a few paragraphs. Think of them like the short glimpses you get of scenes in a movie trailer. They won’t give away any plot points, but simply be teases to ramp up excitement for the release.

It’s gonna be a busy couple months!

If you want to learn more or have questions for me directly, please join the Bowl of Souls Discord server. It started up a few days ago and I have had a lot of fun interacting with readers. If you are curious you can check out my last post to learn more. Otherwise, just click on the invitation link below:


In other news I attended a fun author signing at a local Middle School on Friday. Here is a picture taken just before the event started.

middle school event 2017

Don’t forget that I will be at Jordancon in Atlanta April 21-23. Please come see me there! I’d be happy to chat with you and sign anything within reason.



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8 Responses to Jharro Grove Finale Title Reveal!

Just tell me what you dag-gum think!