So due to demand, Hilt’s Pride is now available in a print edition.
Our friend Michael Patty put the full cover together. He did a great job tying in the back cover to the style of the front cover my brother Justin originally made.
Check it out. It’s awesome; one of my favorites so far. Priced at only $7.55 each
It is available on createspace right now at
It will appear on Amazon in the next day or two.
In other news, The War of Stardeon has been ranked in the top twenty in epic fantasy for several days now. Thanks so much all of you who have purchased it. Please tell your friends.
We need more reviews! Reviews are the lifeblood of books on Amazon, so please if you have finished the books, leave a review and tell people what you think. It means a lot.
Also if you haven’t had a chance to check out the interactive map, go ahead and do so. The link is above.
And this month on Lenny Swears, Lenny and his party of adventurers are gearing up to fight some demons and attempt to kill one of the Ten Monsters of Legend.
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