Book Three: Hunt of the Bandham is available

Well folks, it’s done. I released my baby into the wild and now wait for the packs of Hyenas to come and get it.

Go buy it!!

I had this book just over half-way finished when I put my first book out.  The plan was originally to see if the first book caught fire and then try to get a publisher for the rest of the series.  I put out book two two months later and downloads really took off.  I thought, “Now is the time to find a publisher.” But as seen in my previous posts, it isn’t as clear cut as that.

So now, here I am, with the last of my “writing bank” emptied. It’s all new from here on out.  I have the fourth and fifth books outlined, but I have yet to write any chapters in them. It is a scary place to be in ways, but I am excited to finally get to these parts of my story and to have readers waiting to read them.

I am proud of this book. The development of the characters was so much fun to write.  The villains have never been more wicked. I hope you love it.

So with that, please read, please review, tell other folks, etc . . .

Tonight I start writing The Bowl of Souls: book four, Chapter One.


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5 Responses to Book Three: Hunt of the Bandham is available

Just tell me what you dag-gum think!