It’s the last day of 2014. If you had talked to me in December 2013, I would have had no idea I’d be in the situation I am today. What a crazy year.
This year we went from living in a suburb in Idaho to living on a farm in Tennessee.
I finished the first two books of the Jharro Grove saga, (One book less the minimum planned).
I released Eye of the Moonrat on audiobook.
My grandmother passed away and I struggled with the worst case of writer’s block I’ve had.
So here I sit on the cusp of a new year and I have goals to make. I’m not so sure I like the idea of putting out my resolutions publicly, but as many of you have been around with me from the beginning I feel like you are, in a way, part of my family. So here goes.
2015 goals
1. Release at least three books, hopefully four. Starting with The Ogre Apprentice.
It will be done before the end of January. I know I have been delaying the release for months now, believe me I struggled with that every day. But it will happen. It’s a fun story and an exciting direction for the series, but for some reason it has been the hardest book for me to write. I am almost finished, I just really want to make sure that the book is as good as I want it to be.
2. Release the rest of the Moonrat Saga on Audiobook.
James Foster has finished narrating Messenger of the Dark Prophet and we have listened through the majority of it. We will be sending it on to Audible in the next few days and then it just has to go through their review process, so that should happen in mid January as well.
3. I have other resolutions, lose some weight, get into shape, but for the most part, 2015 is an open book. I stand here looking forward and I have no idea what is going to happen. I hope that it is not as tumultuous as 2014 was. I hope it is a bright and successful one.
I wish you all a Happy New Year. Thank you for supporting me. Thank you for reading. And thank you for loving the characters and the world that I have created. I get chills every time I hear from someone new.
Trevor H. Cooley
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