November Bowl of Souls update

Hey, folks. It has been a while since my last post, mainly because I haven’t had a lot of post-worthy news to give.

Still, some cool things are going on and I would like to share. First of all, book sales have been really good since the release of Mother of the Moonrat. We sold nearly 11,000 books worldwide in October. It was my biggest month ever and a huge relief since this is now the only source of income for my family. Reviews have been great so far.

Tarah Woodblade is on schedule for release late December or early January. I also hope to announce the release of an omnibus edition of the Moonrat Saga some time between now and then. That will include books 1-5 and Hilt’s Pride.

In regards to Tarah Woodblade, I thought I should answer some questions I have seen on Amazon’s forums and elsewhere.

Q: Is Tarah Woodblade the beginning of a new series?

A: Yes. Tarah Woodblade is the first book of a new Bowl of Souls series that we are tentatively calling: “The Jharro Grove Saga”. (I say tentatively because my wife/editor and I are still debating the name.) This first book introduces some new characters and key villains for this series, but also stars some of your favorites from the first series.

Q: Does this take place in the future or involve the (now grown) twins?

A: Tarah Woodblade takes place in the aftermath of the war, basically three months after Mother of the Moonrat. The series may feature the twins in some manner, but they are babies.

Q: Are we dropping the story of Justan and Jhonate or will we gloss it over?

A: Justan and his bonded get book one of the series off, but return in book two, which will take place one year after Mother of the Moonrat and will feature Justan and Jhonate’s journey to Malaroo to meet her father. The events in Tarah Woodblade are the starting point of the series and she will be an important figure from here on, but Justan and CO are still the heart of the Bowl of Souls series and will remain so.

I hope that answers your questions without being too spoilery. Feel free to ask more in the comment section below. For spoilery bits, you may want to use the Contact Page.

One last thing. I have received inquiries regarding the Universal Card deck used to play the Game of Elements. If you are interested in a deck or decks, feel free to contact my father at Decks are $5.00 each within the continental US, but will be more if shipped out of the country. He can work out the details with you.



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