Noose Jumpers Cover Reveal!!

Howdy folks and Merry Christmas!

It’s time to reveal the cover for my upcoming book!

Noose Jumpers ebook cover 5 gig

Here it is and a beautiful job done by my brother, Justin Cooley. He also designed the covers for Hilt’s Pride and Hunt of the Bandham. Every aspect of the cover is symbolic to characters and events in the book.

Noose Jumpers is due out Mid January.

The book is a mix of Fantasy and Western genres and the story is about the myths and magic of the old west that are long gone to history, as told from the perspectives of three young outlaws determined to become legends. I can’t wait to share it with you.
I answered some questions about this new book in my earlier blog post here.…/
Please feel free to ask me more in the comments!


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2 Responses to Noose Jumpers Cover Reveal!!

Just tell me what you dag-gum think!