Howdy folks! Exciting stuff happening! I recently did a creator interview with Axe Cop creator Ethan Nicolle and if you know much about my sense of humor and the kind of things I like, you know this was a big thrill for me. I had a long time love of comic books while in my teens and comic stories greatly influenced the way I write today.

Ethan Nicolle, Creator of Axe Cop and Bearmageddon, amazing artist and dreamer of dreams.
I have been a fan of Ethan Nicolle since 2011 when I first heard about Axe Cop, a character Ethan created with his five-year-old little brother. Ethan was already a fantastic comic book artist, having been nominated for an Eisner Award for his comic: Chumble Spuzz. When he spent a few days playing make believe with his five-year-old brother Malachai, he had the idea to make a comic of their imaginary adventures. He posted the resulting pages online and it blew up, spawning a long-running web comic, three Dark Horse comic series, and a Fox animated show.
He has since also worked on a separate comic series titled, Bearmageddon, which is another hilarious satirical series that I like to think of as a zombie apocalypse story, but with bears instead of zombies. Ethan has also gotten into writing, spending several years writing episodes of Veggie Tales for Dreamworks.
Recently, we started a bit of a conversation on Twitter and became Facebook friends. Ethan is readying himself to make the plunge into novel writing and wanted to pick my brain about self publishing and strategize his approach. That conversation turned into a sort of co-interview, where we asked each other questions about our work and how we go about things like overarching story and character development. Ethan posted this interview on his site today, which you can view here:
Free Stuff!
As part of this interview, Ethan has kindly offered my readers a free digital copy of Bearmageddon Volume one. It is awesome and well worth your time. To get your copy, simply go to the link here: and enter the code SQUIRRELFIST.
The version of Bearmageddon he is offering my readers is the full, high resolution version with bonus material. There is a free version you can get when you subscribe to his email, but this is the version that usually costs 3.99
Now there are 30 copies available and it is first come, first served, so get in quickly!
More about Ethan:
Ethan Nicolle first broke into comics when he created Chumble Spuzz for SLG Publishing in 2007 which was nominated for an Eisner Award for humor in 2009. He went on to create a web comic called Axe Cop with his little brother that became a viral sensation and went on to become an animated series on FOX and FXX. He has had multiple pitches optioned at Cartoon Network and spent three years as staff writer and story editor on VeggieTales in the House at Dreamworks Animation. He also did the book illustrations for Nick Offerman’s books Gumption and Good Clean Fun.
Read his comics and more at the links below:, and
Bearmageddon News is a really fun bear-oriented satirical site. Give it a look.