Eye of the Moonrat Audiobook is available now!!

Hey folks! Great news.

Eye of the Moonrat is available on Audible right now! I had approved the audio files just over a week ago and I was just waiting to hear back from Audible. Well, surprise! It’s here.

Here is the link: http://www.audible.com/pd/Sci-Fi-Fantasy/Eye-of-the-Moonrat-Audiobook/B00OGHSQ54

It will show up on Amazon and Itunes in the next few days.

EDIT: It is on Amazon and Itunes now. http://www.amazon.com/Eye-Moonrat-Bowl-Souls-Book/dp/B00OI2HPO0 and https://itunes.apple.com/nz/audiobook/eye-moonrat-bowl-souls-book/id929809441

I have already listened to it and James Foster, Audiobook Narrator does a fantastic job narrating it. Please listen. There is a sample on the page.

For those of you unfamiliar with Audible, here is how it works. It is a monthly subscription service. $14.95 a month and you get one audiobook a month at not additional cost, plus discounts on all the other books they have available. (Which is almost every book that has an audio form.)

They offer a one month free trial, so if you start the trial and get Eye of the Moonrat, you get it for free! In addition I get a bonus each time Eye of the Moonrat is someone’s first book as a member, so please go for it. I should note that I only get credit for it if the person who gets it stays a member for three months.

At any rate, IT’S HERE. Please share, especially if you have friends that only do audiobooks. I know there are many people that told me it is the only way they read.


Trevor H. Cooley


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2 Responses to Eye of the Moonrat Audiobook is available now!!

Just tell me what you dag-gum think!