Tarah Woodblade Audiobook Now Available!

Great news! The audiobook for Tarah Woodblade is now available for your ears!


Here is the Audible Link: http://www.audible.com/pd/Sci-Fi-Fantasy/Tarah-Woodblade-Audiobook/B01B56A6VK

It will be up on Amazon and Itunes within the next few days.

Here’s some background about the book for those who may not be familiar. This is the sixth book of The Bowl of Souls Series, but the first book of the Jharro Grove Saga. As such it is introducing new characters and a new story arc. It takes place four months after the events of “Mother of the Moonrat” and deals with the aftermath of the war. The thrust of the plot is a direct result of Lenny’s past.

Tarah Woodblade is a famous tracker and guide with unique powers who left Dremaldria at the beginning of the war. She is returning home expecting to be labeled a coward, but finds that people have developed a very different opinion. Justan and Co do not show up until the end of the book, but rejoin the series as main characters starting in book two. The main characters in the Jharro Grove Saga are Justan, Fist, and Tarah Woodblade.


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