Mother of the Moonrat release is today!!!

Yes, you read the title right. It is 1:28 AM Mountain time and I have just submitted Mother of the Moonrat to Amazon. It will be available on Kindle in the US sometime within the next 12 hours and everywhere else in the world sometime within the next 48 hours. (Edit: It’s up now everywhere! That was fast!)

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Amazon US

Amazon DE

Amazon UK

This is a huge moment for me. I started writing the first book twelve years ago. I have been waiting to tell people how it ends ever since. At times it felt like I would never get there. But here we are. As soon as Amazon finishes their processing, the book is yours!

I am so excited to hear your thoughts! Please let me know in the comments when you get the book and you can leave spoiler free comments as you read the book. Otherwise, if you want to discuss specific plot points, use the contact link at the top of the page and tell me what you think or message me on the Facebook Page. Also please leave a review on Amazon. Reviews drive sales!

I am so excited, folks!

I’ll update you when the hardcover is available!

Trevor H. Cooley

P.S. Amazon will be exclusive for the first three months and then it will be available on Goodreads, Nook, Kobo, and Itunes.

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18 Responses to Mother of the Moonrat release is today!!!

Just tell me what you dag-gum think!