Eye of the Moonrat Diorama

So my wonderful son came up to us at 8 pm on Thursday night and said, “Uh, I just remembered something.”

“Let me guess. You have homework you forgot to do?” I said. He had swore to us he had no schoolwork that day. He wanted to play video games after school.

“Not homework . . . uh, it’s more like a project.”

“And when is it due?”


“Oh you are so grounded from video games for a week. What was it? Better not be a diorama.”

“It’s more like a model . . .”

It was totally a diorama. He had known for a week and kept putting it off. We told him that there was no way we were scrambling to put a diorama together overnight. This was his project, not ours.

He had to face the music the next day and his teacher told him he could turn it in on Monday and receive a reduced grade. The end result was he had to put this thing together over the weekend. The subject? Pick a book that you like that you would like to see made as a movie, then make a diorama of what it would look like.

His idea was one that made me proud. He wants a movie made of my books. So he chose the scene from the cover of Eye of the Moonrat. Here’s how it turned out.

Steels diorama

I know. We should have taken a better picture before he left for school. The flash takes away some of the coolness of the scene.

Here’s what we did. I printed multiple copies of Renu’s beautiful cover art for book one and gave him some scissors, glue and tape. He cut out the moonrats and glued them to cardboard stands then reproduced the cover scene, making it a 3d model. I was quite happy with his final product. Hope the teacher likes it.

What do you think?

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