

These bipedal creatures have mottled skin of various shades of brown to green and have vicious claws and sharp teeth. They are divided into three categories.

Goblins: Small and with low intelligence, these creatures are numerous and gather in tribes. They can have rudimentary skill in making weapons. One in every ten goblin births results in a gorc. In very rare cases an or may even be born from a goblin pairing.

Gorcs: Of average size similar to humans, these creatures are stronger and can be much more intelligent then their smaller kin. This has resulted in their ability to make more types of weaponry and even some types of armor. Gorcs look down on their smaller kin and tend to group together. One in ten births between gorcs produces an orc. Goblins are only rarely born from Gorc pairings.

Orcs: Large and strong, these beasts are every bit as intelligent as the human race. However, their violent and brutish nature limits them societally. Their skin mainly stays to mottled shades of green. They have been known to produce weaponry and armor on par with mankind and the other races, though they seem to be more worried about the use of weapons than making them. Therefore they often raid the settlements of other races to acquire their armaments.

Orcs look down on their smaller kin and tend to group together. Birth of lesser goblinoids from orc pairings are rare. They often enslave the other races to work for them. When they raid the settlements of other races, orcs often kill the men and rape the women. This can lead to the creation of half-orcs.

Half-orcs: This sub-race is generally looked down upon by humans and orcs alike, though only goblinoids reject them completely. They can vary in look from orcish to human. They can be every bit as strong as their orc parentage and tend to have brutish tendencies. Therefore, they mainly keep to the outside of society, depending on their strength and the tolerance of others to survive.


Blood Magic Races

These beings differ from the other races in that their magic is internal, coming from their very blood. It is also omnipresent, meaning that every member of their race has this magic, though the strength of the magic inside them may vary. The other common characteristic  between the races is their long life spans, though that too varies from race to race.


Elves (life and an affinity for earth magic) – Of standard human height, but on the slender side, their pointed ears and agility are their main physical trait. Every fiber of their being is full of life, insomuch that their hair, skin cells, and even waste are of great use in potions. Their blood is so full of life that the drinking of it can cause vampirism)

Dwarves (toughness and resistance to magic) – Short, ranging from 3 ½ to 5 feet tall, they are tough and muscular. They have long lives and societally favor hard work and dependability above all else.

Gnomes (mental focus and an affinity for spirit magic) – Tall and thin, ranging from 6 to 7 ½ feel tall, gnomes are long lived, but their extreme ability to focus mentally on one particular topic causes them to be absent-minded. They are well respected for their scholarly work and many of them have human caretakers called stewards that help them with their physical needs.

Dragons (adaptability and an affinity for elemental magic) – By far the most varied of the blood magic races, their ability to change to fit any given environment means that dragons vary greatly in size, appearance, intelligence, and ability. This also makes their body parts highly sought after for magical potions.


The Demons

There is little known about the origin of these races. Their main purpose seems to be to counter the blood magic races, keeping them from becoming too numerous or powerful. The numbers of the demon races grow and contract in proportion to the strength of the blood magic races. It is unknown how this is accomplished, but their kind are rarely needed since the blood magic races are rarely inclined to seek power.


Mermen (Strong in water magic. Oppose the elves) Most of the populace knows little of mermen save that they live in the water and oppose the elves. Since the elvish population is so small, they are rarely seen.

Kobalds (Strong in earth magic. Oppose the dwarves) Short and stocky like the dwarves, they are the most numerous of the demon races. They have hard stony scales and tend to live underground, forming colonies that eventually come to the surface to battle dwarven comunities.

Imps (strong in air magic. Oppose the gnomes) Highly intelligent and clever, these creatures are deft with magic and enjoy using tricks to battle the gnomes.

Bandhams (Strong in fire magic. Oppose the dragons) Few in number, these huge winged beings that can emit heat from their skin. They spend their lives hunting and killing dragons.


Magical Creatures of note

Trolls – Tall, gangly creatures with razor teeth and nasty claws. They regenerate at an astounding rate but the reason why is not known. All seem to be exact copies of each other. The surest way to kill them is with fire because they excrete a flammable slime from their skin.

Moonrats – Once humble forest rodents, hundreds of years of selective breeding and exposure to bewitching magic have turned them into fierce creatures with glowing eyes and a hideous bloodcurdling chittering moan. Their eyes glow in the dark and can direct the power of their creator, controlling lesser beings.

Rogue Horses (rohg) – Created by the wizard Stardeon, these creatures were made up of the bodies and souls of multiple creatures fused together. The finished product destroyed the souls of the beasts it was created from, forming a unique new beast with an extremely powerful soul.

Jharro Trees (jar-oh) – Ancient and intelligent, these powerful entities have a mix of elemental, spirit, and blood magic within them. An ancient race of elves are their caretakers and can craft living weapons from the wood of the trees.

Guardians – Nightmarish beasts seemingly endless in number that are made up of the bodies of various animals with a gaping mouth in the center of their chests. Are only seen protecting holy places.

Basilisks (bass-ill-isks) – Rare beasts, these shapeshifting creatures are often hired as assassins.

Death Whispers – Tiny hideous spider-like creatures with multiple legs, a pale fleshy body, and an almost human-like face. The stinger that shoots from their mouth excretes one of the world’s most powerful toxins, coveted by assassins for its ability to resist magical healing.



10 Monsters of legend

Legendary rare beasts of such a fearsome nature that finding and killing one is considered the pinnacle of a hunter’s prowess. It is unknown how many of these beasts currently exist. You will also note that the list is incomplete. Possibly because the author believes that to show all would be too spoileriffic.

Troll Behemoth: (bee-hee-muhth) This is a mutated troll that’s healing ability has grown out of control to the point that it becomes enormous and grows odd amounts of troll body parts from its body. If any pieces of this creature break off or are cut away, they can become full grown trolls. (See Hilt’s Pride and Mother of the Moonrat for details)

Night Beast: This creature is a rare form of basilisk. It is mentioned in Hilt’s Pride, but little is shared about it, except that Sir Hilt managed to kill one in Malaroo and that is how he first gained a relationship with Yntri Yni and the Roo-Tan.

Great Wyrm: (grate wurm) A rare type of dragon. This beast is enormous and snake-like and has the ability to steal the intelligence and magic from other races, using their bodies as mindless slaves. (See War of Stardeon and Mother of the Moonrat for details.)

Kholoth: (koe-lahth) A kobold that has eaten so many dwarves that it has become large and is so tough that it is nearly indestructible. Most weapons will not even scratch it. (See Lenny Swears Tales for details as Lenui Firegobbler is currently the only character known to have killed one.)

Colossus: (cuh-lah-suss) Ooh, sounds exciting, doesn’t it? Information upcoming in future books of the series.

Leviathan: (luh-vie-uh-thuhn)  The author will not reveal much other than it lives in water.





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